Wedding anniversary gifts

Here at WedNet we are often asked what each anniversary of your wedding represents. Below we list both the traditional and modern gift list.



1st Paper Clock
2nd Cotton China
3rd Leather Crystal
4th Fruit Electrical Goods
5th Wood Silverware
6th Iron wood
7th Wool Pen/pencil sets
8th Bronze/Pottery Linen
9th Pottery Leather
10th Tin Jewelry
11th Steel Fashion Jewelry
12th Silk Colored Gems
13th Lace Textiles
14th Ivory Gold Jewelry
15th Crystal Watches
16th Silverware
17th Furniture
18th Porcelain
19th Bronze
20th China Platinum
25th Silver Silver
30th Pearl Diamond
35th Corel Jade
40th Ruby Ruby
45th Sapphire
50th Gold Gold
55th Emerald Emerald
60th Diamond Diamond

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