Giving green gifts

You have no doubt heard that it is better to give than receive. Giving is good! When you marry, the people who love you will find pleasure in giving you what they choose as the perfect wedding gift. But receiving is good too, so please enjoy the gifts!

If it is important to you to feel that you are also contributing to the flow of giving, there are several ways to help wedding gifts go further and support causes about which you feel passionate. There are online gift registries that allow your guests to give you gifts and donate to charity at the same time. Charity donation shopping sites are another means for shoppers to donate a percentage of their gift purchase to the cause of your choice.

Would your guests prefer to give you a gift that they can wrap? Here are some ideas to put on your wish list that will help give back to the planet:
◾Home delivery of organic produce and groceries
◾A gift basket of sustainable household items such as organic cotton towels, nontoxic cleaning products, and compact fluorescent light bulbs
◾Organic gardening supplies including seeds, tools, and books
◾Experiences rather than things – park and museum passes or restaurant gift certificates
◾Gifts of your friends’ talents. Would your seamstress-friend like to brighten up your new home by sewing curtains? Would your mechanic-friend enjoy giving your neglected auto some periodic maintenance to make it run more efficiently? These are great ways for people who have more talent than cash to express their affection for you, with gifts from their hearts and hands. Encourage this, because some folks are reluctant to suggest it
◾Subscriptions or donations to publications dedicated to green living
◾Make something good happen! Plant a tree, help save a rainforest, “adopt” an animal, or provide service to the disadvantaged
◾Gifts purchased from vendors who support the Fair Trade Federation’s policies of “fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide.”

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