The art of wedding hair

Hair! What subject has produced more fears, tears and rituals, than that of the almighty coiffeur? Any bad hair day is cause enough for us to shutter and utter, “What will I do with my hair”??? Add the wedding day “do” to this dilemma and there is coiffeur confusion, mad rushes to the magazine rack and tears begging our trusted stylist for help. Below are some helpful tips to set you in the right direction.

1. Dress: Start with the dress because, “the brides total bridal look has to be taken into consideration, every thing must balance. The brides dress choice sets the tone for the entire ceremony and the hair design has to evoke the same feeling.”

2. Texture: “Believe it or not the wedding gown can also dictate the texture of the finished hair design. A smooth, shiny Updo of curls or glossy stick straight hair complements a smooth satin gown. Where as a gown of sweeping tulle is beautifully accented by soft flowing curls.”

3. The silhouette: “Your look from head to toe has a silhouette, either horizontal or vertical. A full skirt is horizontal and best balanced by a wider hair design and or fuller veiling. A vertical look being narrow and slim is complemented by a hair design of the same lines; it could be a bob tucked behind the ears or a narrow pile of curls on top of the head.”

4. History: “No, we are not back in school but back to the dress style. Is there a period of history your gown reflects? Theme weddings such as renaissance or swing make a great excuse to have some creative fun with your hair.”

5. Proportions: “Again the full effect needs to balance. The bride with short hair who is wearing an ornate full traditional dress needs to remember to balance her look with the appropriate headpiece. Like wise the petite bride with too much hair might think about wearing it up to draw the eye vertically.”

6. Time of Day: “Next to the dress, the time of day should have some bearing on the hairstyle and headpiece you choose. For a day or morning wedding less glitz and sparkle will seem more appropriate. Save the crystals, sparkle and tiaras for more formal evening weddings.

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