As a matter of fact, no woman wants to look good at her wedding – she wants to look stunning, amazing, fabulous, beautiful, with the whitest teeth ever seen and with no dark circles around the eyes, with the perfect dress and a radiant complexion. Maybe perfect would be the right word, but we are not sure it completely describes the list of the future bride’s wishes and expectations.
But before trying to take care of your appearance with the help of sophisticated, exclusivist and expensive methods, you should first take care of your inner state and peace of mind.
Top 3 items of advice my grandma would give you
- Make love your priority, before and after the big event! Only authentic love will bring you happiness and happiness is the key ingredient for that glowing, radiant complexion we all want on our big day… and after… ‘till death do us part.
- Keep it simple! Don’t overdress, over hair-do, over make-up, over wear jewels or over… anything. Simple is beautiful and it will always stay like this no matter what others tell you.
- Stop worrying about how the day will be. Sunny, rainy, with good food but bad drinks, with talented photographers but lousy waiters, with happy friends but fussy relatives and so on. After many years, any awkward moment from this day will be that moment to make fun of with your friends and grandsons. Just enjoy the big day! It’s your moment and your future husband’s, and that’s it.
Funny moment: I fainted at my best friends’ wedding because of the high temperatures outside. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to disappear from the face of the earth. It’s the funniest moment to talk about for the last 15 years or so…
Now you have checked the most important thing: a peaceful frame of mind which should be the guarantee of a large smile and a glowing complexion!
And since we were talking about your complexion, there are other things for you to consider before the big day. Looking good at your wedding is not as complicated as it seems, but it’s essential to start by taking care of yourself at least a few days before the day comes:
- Don’t do anything in excess the week before the wedding like lost nights, over-drinking or over-eating. If your bachelorette party is just before the wedding and you have to have a few (more) drinks with the girls, make sure you drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated. At the same time, a strict diet won’t do you any good either, especially if it’s low on calories. You might lose some weight, but the dress won’t fit you perfectly anymore and, more than this, you might lack energy at your own wedding. You really don’t want this to happen…
- Don’t dramatically change your hair such as turning blonde from brunette or having a total new haircut. The same goes for your eyebrows, too. An eyebrow fail may be naturally repaired in 3 months or even more, depending on the damages.
- Don’t expose yourself to the sun days before the event thinking you’ll look sexier with a tan. Except the risk of a sun burn, your elegant style will simply vanish, even if your dress is created in the very heart of Paris.
- Don’t do everything yourself and ask family and friends for support or go to a specialist; it’s no shame to let a professional do your makeup or hair, or take care of the flowers arrangements. You need time for yourself so you’ll be in the best shape ever for the wedding day.
In a few words, our advice is to stay away from any temptations to experiment with new bold appearances just before the day.
A list of “don’ts” requires its sister list of “dos”. We want you to look stunning, flawless, beyond imagination… and we are certain you want this, too.
A few days before the big event
- Start eating fruits and vegetables. You’ll increase your body hydration level naturally and the fibers will help your digestive system function well, not to mention that your face will look fresh.
- Apply a do-it-yourself facial treatment, all natural with no chemicals added. Your face will look brighter and the skin, healthier. An interesting and easy to make at home facial mask recipe can be found here.
- Have a few massage sessions. Relaxing your body will definitely help your mind and spirit, and invigorate your skin and muscles.
- Whiten your teeth. Your dentist will certainly help with this either in his office or by giving you a treatment for home use.
- Have a makeup and hairstyle rehearsal. It’s a wise thing to know before whether your choices are in your best interest or you can do better. Usually, any beauty center may offer you a full service package, including these two essential aspects, so ask yours to do the same.
Just before the day
- Go to your beauty center and have a real bridal nail adventure; some prefer it simple, some love an extravagant style; either way, just take care of your nails; you can get some inspiration here.
- Eat fresh and simple meals to avoid digestive problems and unpleasant allergies.
- Have a beauty nap during the day, if possible.
- Meditate for 1 hour.
- Try a relaxing bath, a cup of green tea and positively visualize your years to come.
- Have a pleasant relaxing evening and sleep those 8 hours over the night before; this is not a myth.
On the big day
Most people won’t say it, but we’ll do: now this is the time to relax for real. You’ll start a brand new life with your beloved one so you have all the reasons to be happy, radiant, beautiful, and with the right attitude. Don’t let stress get in your way!
- Have your make-up and hair done. Simple though fancy styles are welcome and you’ll avoid overpowering the dress; avoid extremes: either strong colors or pale tones.
- Wear a fine perfume.
- Add some discrete jewels. Now it’s the day for the wedding ring to stay in the bright light of fame.
- Last, but not least, when they take pictures of you, model like you’re going to be on the cover for Vogue!
Looking good at your wedding is a combination of attitude, discipline and beauty tips and tricks, but don’t forget you also have to look good in the wedding photos. Pictures are important as they keep your memories fresh over the years and most of the time they are the proofs of some excellent moments.
How to model for your wedding pictures
- Be funny only if this comes naturally or you’ll look silly.
- Smile with your eyes, not just your lips.
- Lower your shoulders and raise the chin, but not too much (your neck will look much more attractive and long).
- Raise your eyebrows and your eyes will look bigger.
- Stand up straight as many failed photos are due to bad posture.
- Hold your bouquet properly, meaning at your hip, avoiding looking like you’re hiding behind it.
- Avoid red carpet style if you’re not that kind.
- Remember, it takes 2 to have beautiful moments… and photos.
When it comes to beauty or attitude, the safest way to have a memorable wedding day is to avoid transforming yourself into a different person than you are.
Our advice: be authentic, stay simple, and just help your beauty and style with small tips and tricks. And, of course, relax and enjoy!
We wish you a great wedding day! Please let us know if you have more tips for looking good at your wedding that you’d like to share with us.